Your degree took time, brains, hard work and no small amount of money. It is the reward for years of dedication! You need to frame your diploma. Yet so often, grads just keep it in its envelope or treat it like another everyday piece of paper. Wait, graduating is a HUGE achievement, people! So why would you slap your diploma, …
The Frame and I has frame game with PHS basketball!
When framing professionals at the Frame & I and PHS athletes team up, you know it’s going to be a big win! Check out how The Frame and I has frame game with PHS basketball! This frame project celebrates a special family relationship! From Grandfather to Grandson, the legacy of PHS sports is alive and well! Grandpa is featured in …
Frame your diploma – It’s graduation season!
Oh YES! School’s out for Summer! Post Grads… College students… High school students… GED earners… Certificate seekers… Did you graduate this May? Awesome job! School is a huge investment in time, money and resources. You should be proud of your achievement. You’re going to rock in your new career! We salute you. You have made yourself better, and the world …