Display special jewelry in a picture frame!

Hi, and happy Friday everyone! Today we’re going to talk about how to make those special jewelry pieces come alive as part of your home design. You know that your jewelry says a lot about you. You wouldn’t stuff yourself in a cedar box 90% of the time, so why do you do that to your jewelry? Display special jewelry …

Now Framing for the Holidays in Prescott at The Frame and I! Get it framed in time for gifting.

Now Framing for the Holidays in Prescott

Frame this scene in your mind: A quiet night, a gathering of friends and family. Tempting food and pleasant conversation abound. Sometime there will come a thoughtful and heartfelt gift exchange. Are the gifts going to be the latest gadget, something from Costco… or an off-the-shelf item made overseas? I hope not! Imagine instead, a beautifully framed memento that means …