Our framed featured student artists represent Taylor Hicks and Lincoln schools this month! Even though it sounds bad, great things happen when student artists get framed! Our mission at the Frame and I is to support young artists and teachers in promoting the arts. The arts play an important role in developing student’s brains… encouraging creativity, problem solving and hands-on …
Hand drawn designs on picture frame mats set art apart!
Hand drawn designs on picture frame mats bring whimsy and creativity to ordinary designs! They also lend a sense of history to drawings, prints, and photos. French style matting actually most likely originated in Italy, when artists began drawing lines around thumbnails in their sketchbooks to highlight successful studies for future reference. These lines took on a life of their own …
Art Student of the Month from Taylor Hicks Elementary, Prescott!
Every month we’re honored to frame the Art Student of the Month’s work for our local grade schools. The student gets to keep this frame in recognition of their talent! We display it in our gallery window in downtown Prescott, AZ. for a limited time. Hopefully you were lucky enough to see it in person. If you didn’t see it …
Vintage stitch, new stitch needlework framed in Prescott
Vintage stitch and new stitch – have your needlework framed in Prescott! Did you just finish your latest project, or have a family heirloom? We are here to help you find the best frame to enhance it. Vintage needlepoint, embroidery, crewel, and cross stitch need special care when being framed. Frame your cross stitch the right way and it will …
Support the American dream… frame independent!
If you know us here at the Frame & I, you know we are big into supporting our community! We are just one small, locally owned picture framer but we have a big heart for Prescott and the quad-cities. So today we are here to talk about something that is dear to us – shopping local. We want to encourage …
New in the gallery, “Balloon Animals” by Ida Woll
Just when we’d thought there wouldn’t be anything new for a while, Ida surprised us with a new series of paintings! Behold, the “Balloon Animals” series. These seriously whimsical paintings are cute, yet a little bit off kilter. How did the animals get into these predicaments? And are we invited to the party? One idea springboards another, so once she …