We’re remodeling the Frame & I!

We're remodeling the Frame & I!
We're remodeling the Frame & I!

We’re remodeling the Frame & I! “Before” photo












The times they are a-changin’, and we are swept up in it just like everyone else!  If you’ve ever been in the Frame & I in Prescott, you know it is a beautiful frame shop and gallery of original artwork. While this is still true, and there’s nothing really wrong with it; some of the fixtures and the 21-year old carpet are just … in need of retirement! So let it be known throughout the land, that it’s high time…

We’re remodeling the Frame & I!

Yes, after many years… We’re remodeling the Frame & I! We won’t be open during the remodel, but never fear. We will not be shut down for long. A mere eight days, July 2nd through July 10th. Since it’s usually slow at our shop over the July 4th weekend, we thought we’d take advantage of the timing and get ‘er done.

Of course, the Boss Lady is out of town at that time too, so it’s perfect timing for remodeling at the Frame & I. If she’s not here, she can’t tell us what to do!

We're remodeling the Frame & I!

Remodeling the Frame & I, “Before” photo

Russell will be here working along with our select team of movers and shakers to get the project done.

When it’s all done, you will still recognize the place! But there will be some major changes that are really going to make it a creative, inviting, inspiring place. Even more than it already is!

Look for open spaces, new flooring, new paint, new design counters and more access to our frame samples.

Our staff has made the design counters from scratch, and I promise you they are stunning. You will want one for yourself. Ida, the owner, wants to be buried in one… they are that beautiful.

It’s going to feel lighter, brighter and warmer when we’re all done. The art will just shine, and the framing will still be super amazing!

New computers will speed up the process too. All in all, these are big but timely changes and we can’t wait to unveil it!

Come check out the changes mid-July.

It’s all a part of remodeling the Frame & I!