Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters Gala Auction is one of Prescott’s premier events, and we were selected to frame this amazing original painting by Prescott artist Steve Atkinson for the event! It’s called “Hooked for Life”. Showing the bond between a Big and a Little, this charming original oil painting will be at the event! Why do we support YBBBS? …
Russell Johnson of Frame and I in Prescott AZ studio tour!
Our very own Frame and I manager, artist Russell Johnson, is featured in the Prescott AZ studio tour! You can find Russell and his art all three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 6, 7 and 8, 2017, 10 am to 4 pm , at 697 6th St, unit #100, Prescott, AZ. This tour is an entire weekend in …