Smokin’ picture frame! Shadowbox for an heirloom pipe collection

We recently finished a shadowbox for an heirloom pipe collection, and we are over the moon about it!  How perfect is it, to put a photo of one of the pipes in action and create a fun timeline of historical and contemporary pipes? The rich color and supple mahogany wood of the frame looks worn and handled like the pipes …

Hotshots memorial frame wins judges’ choice at Tru Vue’s Frameable Moments competition

Tru Vue Frameable Moments competition

We’re proud to announce that our own Francine Hackerott, with her entry “Eternal Remembrance”, won Best In Show Judges’ Choice Award in the Fifth Annual Tru Vue® Framing Competition! The Frame and I is so blessed and lucky to have Francine as part of our award winning team. You can see her winning memorial frame on display “in person” in …