Prescott frame shop builds custom arch for a mural removed from a niche.

Prescott frame shop builds custom arch
prescott frame shop builds custom arch

One of a kind custom built arch frame for a mural painting that was removed from a niche.

prescott frame shop builds custom arch

Francine built and Russell models for scale with the custom built arch frame at the Frame and I, Prescott frame shop.

This one of a kind painting of an idyllic Italian scene  was recently framed at our Prescott frame shop in a custom designed arch frame. This unique arched frame was made with hand-formed curved wood, inlays, custom color, distressing, and an architectural emphasis.  So what’s the story?

Prescott frame shop builds custom arch for mural…

The art had to be saved when the owners sold their home; so rather than let it remain in the arched niche in their old house (where the new owners might have painted it over), they chose to remove it and bring it to The Frame and I to see what we could do.

Since the art’s original purpose was to fill an architectural niche, our designer Francine Hackerott decided that making a frame that played up the “built-in” look would be the best way to display. The dark embossed and distressed wood is from Larson Juhl’s Tuscany line; perfect for an Italian scene. Francine hand finished the wooden panel to match the frames that cap the top and make up the foot of the frame. Look at the detail photo below to see how well she tied them all together!  The rich, dark mahogany color really makes the painting glow with light and warmth.

We had Russell, at over 6′ tall, be our scale human to show what size this frame is. It’s really quite huge! Take note of the triangular/arched inserts too. Francine couldn’t just leave a big empty space between the top of the arch and the corners of the frame, so she designed these beautiful details to fill in the space.

Our framers are so talented when it comes to building custom frames to fit any space or project! We are always looking forward to what unique projects the people of Prescott will surprise us with next.  Thanks for reading!  -Ida

prescott frame shop builds custom arch

Close up of the handmade arch frame at our Prescott frame shop, The Frame and I.