We made the paper! Our 30th anniversary year at The Frame & I

why does picture framing cost so much?

How exciting to have our picture frame shop mentioned in the Prescott Daily Courier today!

Here at the Frame & I, custom picture framing is our passion – and we love what we do.  Our goal is always to be “the Best Friend Artwork Ever Had!”  And by artwork, we mean anything frameable.  =)

We are thrilled to have been part of this wonderful community for so long. Our thanks goes out to Prescott, the Quad Cities, and Northern Arizona for supporting our creative urge these past 30 years. We couldn’t do it without you! Since a celebration is in order, and we didn’t celebrate earlier in the year, we hope you can join us for festivities during the Acker music festival December 12th. There will be cake and beverages, and awesome music by Fault Line.

Didn’t get to see the Courier article? Follow the link, here:

Prescott’s Frame & I turns 30


A special thanks to Tom Scanlon for the nice write up, and Matt Hinshaw for the photos.

custom picture frame prescott

Gold engravings framed as a series at The Frame & I