Hi there and happy Holiday season to all of you in frame-land! It’s another edition of … You framed what? This post is about a unique bolo tie collection in a shadowbox we made here at The Frame and I in lovely Downtown Prescott Arizona. Handmade custom shadowboxes are a specialty of ours.
First off, for all you kids and young at heart out there… Here is what a bolo tie is!
Have you got a collection of items that have sentimental value, but no real way to preserve them? Do you wish you could see and enjoy them more than once in a great while? We can help! Because we’ve framed all kinds of objects and collectibles, we know there is a solution for any challenge! A shadowbox frame is the perfect way to show off those special somethings. Check out this one that we just finished this week! Gorgeous.
Your friends might say, you framed what? Unique bolo tie collection in a shadowbox.
Sometimes it seems like something would be impossible to display safely. Leather degrades, silver tarnishes, things get scratched and dusty… worst of all they can get lost! A shadowbox frame is the perfect way to keep them all together, safe and protected behind glass. Custom shadowboxes make a really special gift too – they can hold anything from wedding memorabilia to christening gowns, hand tools to car parts, toy collections, jewelry, military medals, flags, you name it.
These bolo ties are sentimental family heirlooms that were worn by a father, and are now being given to his son. It’s not likely that the son will wear them, so a frame is a perfect way to keep the collection together. We chose really rusty looking frame material to play up the southwestern feel of the ties. The frame complements the color of the old leather and the tarnished silver tie ends. A buckskin colored suede mat enhances the ties without distracting from them. The ties and belt buckles themselves are hand-sewn into the frame, so if the family ever decides to take them back out for any reason, they have not been glued down or taped in a damaging way. The tops of the bolo ties are tucked away beneath the top ledge that holds the buckles. We added a special trim out of the same frame material inside the box to give it balance and visual unity.
Have you got a special object or collection of objects that needs to be presented better? Bring it in to The Frame & I today and we will help you come up with a great shadowbox display. Perfect for gifts or for yourself, shadowboxes are an archive of our lives!
Happy framing,
PS: Here are some more shadowbox ideas, below:

Custom shadowbox frame for Pillsbury Dough Boy doll, using ceramic tiles and stainless steel; just like the kitchen!