Pull the rug out from under you… hang it on the wall! Framed rugs

why does picture framing cost so much?

Rugs bring warmth and beauty to a home or public space. They embody tradition and culture, and are an elegant statement of taste and style. The one drawback to rugs is that they’re always lying around on the floor! We recommend you pull the rug out from under you… hang it on the wall instead! Framed rugs make an amazing statement in any space whether private or public. Here at the Frame & I, we frame rugs nearly every day. From Native and Indigenous designs to Tibetan and Persian styles, we have framed rugs from all over the world. These rugs are true works of art and deserve the fine art treatment! Framed rugs

Our framing artisians know exactly how to handle textiles from brand new pieces to fragile antiquities.  Whether made from wool, silk or cotton we will hand-stitch your rug into place. We will help you select colors that enhance the beauty of your textiles. Our huge selection of frames provide endless options to find the style of frame that suits you and your rug the best!
Our framer Everest is shown below, sewing an antique textile in place onto a tan sueded board. This painstaking work ensures the rugs are supported on all edges but are not glued, taped or adhered in any way. It’s an archival process that protects and preserves the textile for hundreds of years.

Framed rugsThis “rug” , below, is actually a silkscreen on paper, but we thought it was appropriate for this post 🙂  It shows how lovely and artistic rug designs can be!

The rug pictured below is an antique piece from Afghanistan. We let the fringe flow naturally around so the texture could be enjoyed in all of its haphazard glory. The frame is an elegant burlwood in carmel tones, and the rug is floated on a cinnamon colored suede. Framed rugs look so cool, don’t you think?


No rug is too big for us… see this vintage photo of Ida in front of a 7′ tall rug we framed years ago! This framed rug is for sure a showstopper wherever it hangs. Gorgeous and dynamic patterns and rich colors really set it apart. We framed it in a rustic dark hardwood and plexiglas for strength and durability.

Framed rugs

We hope you enjoyed cutting a rug with us! Thanks for reading. When you’re ready to frame your own collectible rug or any other textile, come and see us at The Frame & I!


