These are the moments where it’s awesome to be a proud auntie, and picture framer too! My nephew, Daniel-Paul, recently completed his first flight at the ripe old age of 12. Did I say I’m proud of him?

Civil Air Patrol cadet Daniel-Paul Roberts receives his first flight certificate (in a gorgeous frame)! See him here with his Dad, Danny, and his Papa, Paul. – Pretty amazing to fly before you drive! Photo credit Anne Roberts.
We got to frame his certificate for him at my frame shop, The Frame & I. My staff chose a perfect aluminum clad frame and rich blue suede top mat, with a red second mat. The whole thing is finished with Art Glass UV, a beautifully non-reflective UV filtering glass. His proud Papa bought the framing for him and gifted it to him so he can always display his first flight certificate. Such an important occasion shouldn’t be relegated to a scrapbook! I’m glad he is going to have this to hang on the wall for always.
Can you see the family resemblance?
Want to know more about Civil Air Patrol? It’s part of the United States Air Force Auxiliary. The CAP Cadet Program is a year-round program where Cadets fly, learn to lead, hike, camp, get in shape, and push themselves to new limits. Click here for more to read about on CAP.
Another thing that makes this event so special? When Daniel-Paul was just little, his mom Anne and his dad Danny worked with us at The Frame & I as a designer and framing minion. Little Daniel-Paul would hang out in the frame shop all day while mama worked. He’d be in the playpen or a backpack, or a special swing we had set up for him. I miss those days of having all the family here, but I am also always amazed by their accomplishments outside of the Frame & I!
Love my family and love framing!
All the best, and Happy Easter!